Aquaponics - A sustainable living


What is aquaponics?

Aquaponics is the integration of Aquaculture (fish farming) and Hydroponics (plant farming). It allows the two systems (ie. aquaculture and hydroponics) to complement each other and eliminates or reduces the negative environmental impact that each, which standalone by itself, brings to the natural environment.
Aquaculture, the farming of fish, can be environmentally damaging due to its waste handling. The release of these waste products and unused feeds can contaminate the surrounding rivers or seas and cause algae bloom which adversely affect the well being of wild creatures in the natural habitat.
Hydroponics, the growing of plants using mineral nutrient solutions without soil, uses chemical nutrients that eventually build up in the water and create toxic water. In many cases the nutrients and fertilizer used are not natural and when the water is disposed of into the environment, it causes pollution to the natural environment.
In aquaponics, the fish waste in the water is used to feed the plants, and the cleaned water is then recirculated into the fish tank.

How I got to know about Aquaponics?

My initial interest was in planted aquarium. I was reading up on how to setup planted aquarium in early 2009 and accidentally chanced upon the term "Aquaponics". Thereafter, I start to read up on aquaponics on the internet.

June 2009

My first mini aquaponics system

I started a small gravel bed system growing japanese cucumber, kang kong and chilli. The water is supplied from the fibre-glass fish tank next to it and is returned to the tank through a drain pipe. I am staying in a high-rise apartment (HDB flat) in Singapore. The top-down glass window of my living room allows ample sunlight for the grow bed.


July 2009

First aquaponics system, take 2

After a few weeks, the japanese cucumber plant and kang kong are growing well. I needed to put some sticks in the grow bed to support the jap cucumber plant as it is a creeper plant.
Gravel bed or media based aquaponics system is not commonly used in large scale commercial aquaponics because regular media cleaning is required to prevent clogging. As you can see in the series of photos below, I am preparing for my next mini aquaponics system - Deep flow system. Stay tune.

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